Tuesday, 15 June 2021



We have been through some dark, cold winters

Filled with tragic loss, so painful and bitter

Where time is frozen in frost and filled with infinite fog

Times of drought and empty bank accounts


The season has changed


Spring has brought new beginnings, with rain and life-giving sunshine

New toys; fruit of the vine

The daffodils are blooming, summer holidays are looming

The sunshine and warmth feels endless

Bursting with hope of a future filled with happiness

The milk vat is full and the cell count is low

The grass is growing, the creek is flowing and the cod are biting


The season has changed


The sheep are being shorn

A new ring is being worn

No time to be forlorn

The dark days are long gone


The hot, dry summer is eminent

Reminding us, the good times may not be permanent

So we sow seeds of hope, as another chapter closes

We never know when winter may strike again with its frosty finger

We harvest the joy of this season of spring

Cherish the fruit it brings

The season is bound to change

Like the setting of the sun each day

May this spring last longer, make us stronger

To sustain us through the next exciting chapter

Bring us warmth during our next wild winter


The season has changed


Fortunately, we remember to surrender

To new seasons, new reasons to rejoice

The seasons of life have a cycle

We have little control or choice

Embrace what we have, the gifts we had

Remembering in the good times and bad

Simply to surrender

 Fortunately, we always endure or enjoy together

Birth of the Mother


Blooming Madness


Sea Serenity


Monday, 7 June 2021

Warrior of the Bush


Warrior of the Bush


The gum tree

a tapestry

bold, strong


shedding skin

dead branches fall


letting go of what is no longer needed


Warrior of the elements

leaves grow, dry


continuous cycle

drought and floods

scarred by bushfires

marred by time

The old gum tree

relentless, resilient


standing tall


The warrior of the bush

a home, shelter



The gum tree

a beautiful creation


The old gum tree

the warrior of the bush

Dancing with Big Magic

  Let me explain my own personal writing process. Maybe this will inspire you to embrace your own writing process.   When the words come, I ...