Saturday, 30 January 2021

Warrior Woman

Warrior woman 

Bringing new life into this world 

So sacred

So powerful 

The most amazing journey of your life

Nothing compares


A new love 

A love that will grow 

Slowly and powerfully 

Each day 

Absorbed in a bubble of mothering

Keeping a precious soul alive





Physically exhausting

Adrenalin pulsing 


as you look at the most beautiful thing, 

you have ever seen


Moments of sadness and despair wash over you  

It feels like a huge mountain you can’t climb 

Taking deep breaths 

Letting the emotions flow

Embracing each high and each low

All part of the journey 

One day at a time

You are never alone 


A warrior woman 

Capable of anything 

Endless strength 

Fueled by a love 

You have wings to carry you

You are a warrior woman

Who was chosen for this new love 

Fear Not


Beautiful life, in shades of grey

Gracefully flowing within black and white

Sunny days and dark nights

Fine lines between good and bad

Many facets of emotions, drifting amid happy and sad

Confidently ride, the waves of positive and negative

Change is inevitable

Life unpredictable

Blessings and burdens of humanity


Fear not


Strongly sail, the tides of transformation

Transporting you on your treasurable path

Adoration in your grasp

Bursting with each breath-taking opportunity

Master stress, to be your source of strength

Life is short and temporary

No one can escape death

Embrace pressure, to lift you to higher levels

Always giving; not seeking recognition or medals

Selfless and kind

Kindred spirit of mine


Patiently prepare and pray

For brighter days

Wildly dance, in the pouring rain

Fear not, foreseeable pain

Marvel at the rainbows

Create angels, in the snow

We never know

What crazy climate, the cyclic seasons of our existence may bring

Love the bitter winter and the fruitful spring

In all weather

Discover pleasure

Persistently planting seeds of knowledge

Enduring loss with valour

Diligently working for passion, not money

Kind use of sweet honey

Never virulent vinegar or harm

Deep wounds and scars

Wear boldly with pride

Precious soul resides

Vital lessons learnt

Gratitude earned

Not comprehending, the commanding mark, you leave

Valiantly chase your wildest dreams


Beautiful soul

Wise and old

Humble and gentle

Beauty beyond the superficial

Loved, cherished and special

Fulfilling a spirited destiny

Leaving an eternal legacy


Fear not


Your own potential and ability

Maintain your peaceful modesty

Warmth wherever you go

A calm and boundless glow



Listening with an abounding heart

Generously giving with open arms

Reaching with empathy

Lacking any judgment or insensitive sympathy


Fear not


Your power and beauty

Love yourself in a similar capacity

Relish in your talents and creativity

Don't lose sight

Of your own unique gifts

In the dead of night

Sleep soundly, knowing you make a difference

Achieving a meaningful mission


Within the storms of life

When the weather is unkind

Hold strong to this message

You have a significant purpose

Face it with courage


Fear not


Fulfil all you desire to be

Set your caged bird free


Fear not


You will fly

To new amazing heights

Time will race to catch up with you

Wild winds, beneath your strong wings, will carry you


Fear not


When the dark clouds of doubt are blocking your path

Simply follow your bountiful heart


‘You are capable of more than you know.’

-          The Wizard of Oz


‘True belonging is not something we achieve, accomplish or negotiate with others – it’s something we carry in our hearts.

Our wild,

Messy hearts.’


- Brene Brown

In Their Skin


The trees don’t apologise

For their size

They don’t apologise

For the space they take up

They just be


In their skin


Their hearts don’t ache

Ache feeling there must be more

More than just this

They just be


In their skin


They don’t go searching

They do not hustle

They simply grow

The birds come

To nest within their wide embrace

They just be


In their skin

Dancing with Big Magic

  Let me explain my own personal writing process. Maybe this will inspire you to embrace your own writing process.   When the words come, I ...